- Windows
- Résultats de recherche de logiciels: perfect resize 8
1018 résultats de logiciels pour ″perfect resize 8″
Resize me UP!
Resize me UP! is free software for multiple image...
Resize me UP! ...multiple image resizing. Features: -Multiple...
ReSize .NET
ReSize is a.NET component (invisible at runtime) that gives your applications...
ReSize is a.NET ...resolution independence. ReSize alters...
VeryDOC Batch Photo Resizer
Batch Photo Resizer allows users to resize the images in batch. It supports to...
Batch Photo Resizer allows users ...to resize the images ...Batch Photo Resizer is also...
Sofonesia Batch Image Resizer
It can resize a batch of pictures to any sizes you choose.
It can resize a batch of pictures to any sizes you choose.
Resize Pictures for Command Line
A comprehensive and powerful pictures processing utility which allows the...
...files for resizing, watermarking, rename ...of images. Resize Pictures for...
Softgroup .Net Forms Resize
Softgroup .Net Forms Resize is a fast, small and lightweight .NET component...
...Net Forms Resize is a fast ...to automatically resize all controls...
PicTrix - Resize
PicTrix - Resize offers a fast possibility to resize pictures without a huge...
...possibility to resize pictures without ...You can resize multiple files...
Right Click Image Resizer
Right Click Image Resizer/Toolset(RCR) is one of the most powerful and easy use...
...Click Image Resizer/Toolset(RCR ...can split, resize, watermark maker...
VBGold ActiveResize Control V.2.0 (VB5)
VBGold ActiveResize Control V.2.0 (VB5) is a fully-automatic VB form resizer...
...VB form resizer control that ...will automatically resize and reposition...
Smart Free Photo Resizer
Free Photo Resizer is the solution with high quality resizing filters and...
Free Photo Resizer is ...high quality resizing filters and ...Free Photo Resizer is also...